Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Cover to Cover Book Box’s FAQ page! We’re covering our most asked questions. We’ll answer all your top questions in the list below.

Shipping FAQ's

Do you ship internationally?

Yes. We ship to most countries. You will need to enter your address at checkout to determine if your address is eligible. shipping fees are based off the weight of the item and your location. We do not control the shipping cost. If the shipping cost are to high, we recommend using

My order shows it has shipped but there is not an update on the tracking?

Once you receive the email that your order has shipped, we ask that you wait 36 hours before checking for an update.

If the order has been accepted by the carrier and is in route and seems to be stuck, we can help you or you can submit and mail search here if the shipping is via USPS: Email Us | USPS ( or mail us

My tracking number shows my order was delivered but I do not have my order?

First you will need to call you local carrier office. They are able to us GPS to determine exactly where your order was delivered to.

**Please note that if your order shows delivered and you did not receive the order, there is nothing we can do. You will have to file a claim with the carrier yourself.

When will my box ship?

Depending on the product the shipping times vary. We recommend reading the product description for an estimated ship date.

Featured Title FAQ's

Will sold out books be offered again?

This depends on the title. We will announce all the information on our social media pages if and when we decide to reprint the titles.

Will the series be completed on the titles that are featured from a series?

Our goal is to always complete the series. Please note that it is not always up to us. The authors may have contracts in place that do not allow us this option. We recommend following our social media accounts and signing up for our newsletter.

How do I cancel my order?

We do have a zero-cancelation policy. Orders cannot be cancelled for any reason. /policies/refund-policy

If the listing says "open preorder" will it sell out before the final date to order?

Open preorder listing is available for everyone. There is not a chance for it to sell out. It is open for the entire time period listed on the product description or social media posting.

When are book titles announced?

Book titles are announced every month at the first of the month.

Are the books that are featured signed?

Our books are all digitally signed.

General FAQ’s

What is a VIP member?

The VIP members is no a group that receives, first access to all titles, all swag and other perks.

How do I become a VIP member?

This group is currently closed and is not accepting new members.

Are there any rep codes or discount codes available?

We do not have any rep codes or discount codes. We do not use them in our shop.

How do I track my order?

Orders can be tracked by the tracking numbers that is emailed to you when the order has shipped.

If your order has not shipped, you will not receive tracking information until the order has shipped.

You may check the status of your order by logging into your account or following along as we announce updates on our social media accounts.

We do recommend paying close attention to the estimated shift date on the product description when ordering.

What do I do if my book arrives damaged?

We have provided the link below. /policies/refund-policy